
    Teachers Achievements

    Smt. Neetu Bhatia authored a book titled ‘A Textbook of Microbiology for Nurses’. The book is very helpful for nurses and microbiology students.

    Neetu Bhatia PRT
    Smt. Neetu Bhatia Primary Teacher (PRT)

    Sh. Nandlal played as a volleyball player from Varanasi Region in KVS Employee Volleyball National Tournament 2019-20 conducted at KIIT University Bhubaneswar and achieved Gold Medal and Trophy by Deputy Commissioner, KVS RO, Bhubaneswar Region.

    Employee Volleyball Nationa Tournament
    Sh. Nandlal Sub Staff

    Dr. Saleem Ahmad played as a volleyball player from Varanasi Region in KVS Employee Volleyball National Tournament 2019-20 conducted at KIIT University Bhubaneswar and achieved Gold Medal and Trophy by Deputy Commissioner, KVS RO, Bhubaneswar Region.

    Employee Volleyball Nationa Tournament
    Dr. Saleem Ahmad TGT(P&HE)

    Was conferred an award by Femme Times Magazine (for women) for getting featured in their June edition for providing free counselling service to women in need.

    Neetu Bhatia
    Smt. Neetu Bhatia PRT